
SACS High School Students Enrolled in College Courses 

The Aspirations Program, in coordination with the Maine Department of Education, seeks to provide greater access to early college opportunities for qualified high school students. SACS students are able to access college courses in high school at a reduced cost.  The cost is often the cost for books and/or fees, Students must:

Be a full-time high school student

Have recommendation from the high school guidance counselor

Have the consent of their parent or guardian

Have a B or better academic average or permission from the high school guidance counselor  

Be a resident of the state of Maine

Meet academic course prerequisites, if any

Be attending a state-eligible secondary school or state-approved homeschool

Many So. Aroostook students are taking advantage of this program:  

So. Aroostook High School had 22 students enrolled in 24 on-line college courses in the Fall of 2020.   

So. Aroostook High School has 17 students enrolled in 20 on-line college courses in the Spring of 2021.   

We also have So. Aroostook student enrolled in Dual Enrollment College Courses (Full year-UMFK)) 

8 students are currently taking College US History II with Mrs. Shannon Mathers

9 students are currently taking Chemistry & Chemistry Lab with Ms. Rowena Harvey

7 students are currently taking College Biology & Biology Lab with Ms. Rowena Harvey