Latest News 2024/2025
PK-12 Flus Shot Clinic
September 16, 2024
Below is the link to the forms for this year's PK-12 Flu Shot Clinic. The permission form is included should you need to print another copy.
The clinic is planned for Friday, October 4th. Please have all forms in by Thursday, October 3rd.
Flu Shot Clinic Info/Registration Form
Thank you.
Nurse Kathy
CDC COVID-19 guidelines
September 12, 2024
As many of you are aware, we already have COVID-19 in our schools and communities. It is a respiratory illness that seems to be here to stay.
CDC communicable disease guidelines now treat COVID-19 as many other respiratory illnesses in that you need to be fever-free, for 24 hours, without the use of fever-reducing medicine, and you need to be excluded from school until symptoms are resolving, overall.
For example, you would not want to send your child to school if he/she was coughing and/or sneezing and spraying respiratory droplets through the air, and you would want to monitor congestion to make sure that there is not a lot of nasal discharge/drainage which could be spread through contact with contaminated surfaces.
The incubation period for COVID-19 (time between exposure and onset of symptoms) is 2-14 days. There is no longer a mandated 5 days out of school/ 5 days in a mask upon returning to school.
Please see the attached screenshot from the CDC Communicable Disease Guidelines re: COVID-19. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. Thank you.
Nurse Kathy