Southern Aroostook Warriors

November 3, 2020

Dear RSU 50 Parents/Guardians,

As the weather turns colder, everyone at school will be spending more time indoors. Being indoors makes it easier to catch a cold or the flu from another person. I would encourage parents to have their child get a flu shot, if he or she has not done so already.   We encourage you to do everything you can to stay safe and healthy. You may not realize it, but when you stay healthy, you are helping our students and our school community to stay healthy. We are all in this together.

Moving indoors also has ramifications for our COVID-19 prevention efforts. Southern Aroostook is working to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on our campus during the cold and flu season.  We have received federal funds to use for Covid related reasons.  With these funds we have purchased  touchless faucets & sinks, extra cleaning & sanitizing materials, thermometers for temperature checks, plexiglass, additional cleaning staff, a bus to increase the number of bus routes for social distancing, and personal protective equipment which includes, face masks, face shields, and gloves.  We have also purchased an air purifying system called an O2 Prime system.  This system is commonly used in hospitals and healthcare facilities.    

Southern Aroostook is nearly one third of the way through the school year and I’m very thankful for the cooperation and support from students and staff as we continue to offer in-person instruction. Despite this great start to the school year, it’s important for our students to continue to adhere to RSU 50’s masking, physical distancing, hand washing and sanitizing protocols. Please remind your child to follow the Covid-19 protocols on the bus, in the classrooms, and while on school grounds.

We have been able to continue with in-person instruction because of the careful preparations and precautions taken by our school. As a school community, we are continuing to take COVID-19 seriously. Now is not the time to be complacent.

Being informed is still the best way to protect the health of your student. Information is available on the RSU 50 web page or our social media pages.  The web address is   If you have any questions, please call us at 757-8206.

I want you to know that I am grateful for your support of our efforts. Like you, we want to make sure our students remain safe and healthy while they are here at school..


Jon Porter, RSU 50 Superintendent