Southern Aroostook Warriors

 RSU 50

So. Aroostook Community School

Remote Learning Plan

Guide for Students and Parents 


For the RSU 50 Remote Learning Plan, teachers have been given guidance that expectations need to be realistic, achievable, and focus on the essential learning each student needs in order to successfully move on to the next grade level (or college level).  The following is to be used as general guidance. All specific questions should be sent to the classroom teacher. 

Dear RSU 50 Students, Parents, and Guardians, 

We understand that the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and the measures we have taken to prevent its spread in our region through school closure have impacted each and every one of you in similar and different ways. It is our goal to continue to support each of you as best we can through this period of remote learning. As we work to offer this support, we want to share with you the following guidelines:

  • Guideline #1: These remote learning days are approved school days.  Please remember that these are board (and state) approved school days, not storm days or vacation days. Students are required to connect with teachers and complete assigned work while this plan is in effect.

  • Guideline #2: This will not be the same as going to school.  Remote learning cannot replace or match the effectiveness of classroom learning.  Regardless, we will continue to try to provide you the best possible experience as we move forward.    

  • Guideline #3: This plan will not be perfect and will continue to change as we learn more about our capacity to educate students remote learning. Please be patient as we adjust and work to make things better.  

  • Guideline #4: It is perfectly okay and totally understandable to feel overwhelmed and anxious about remote learning. We need to remember the best we can do is to keep trying!  

  • Guideline #5: The best way to see success in this model of learning is to communicate regularly with teachers. If teachers know students are connecting and trying, the students will have more success.   

  • Guideline #6:  If something in this plan is not working for you, or if you need more help than we are providing you, please let us know!  We cannot improve if we do not know what is or isn’t working.   

Plan Component #1: 

Teacher / Student Communication 

What is a realistic expectation for communication between a student and their teacher(s)?

All students should make every attempt to communicate with their teacher(s) 1 to 2 times a week, or as often as necessary if they need assistance with learning expectations. Students should please use the preferred method of communication identified by their teacher. Remember, some teachers will encourage daily communication, so please work with them on what is best for you.  

How often is it appropriate to reach out to teacher(s), and when is the best time to do so?

Your teacher(s) should have provided you with their preferred method of communication and contact or connection times as part of this remote learning plan.  Each teacher is available to answer questions between 8:00 AM and 2:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Some teachers may be answering questions later than that. Please remember that teachers are receiving questions from many learners, so we ask that you allow them to answer questions in the order that they are received.  

What will happen if a student chooses not to communicate with their teachers?

Communication is one way for the schools to ensure that students are accepting responsibility to address the learning expectations set by the teacher as part of the remote learning plan. All students need to keep in mind that this is not a school vacation. Schools have closed but learning has not stopped. This remote learning plan has been approved by your local school board and the Maine Department of Education. Failure to communicate is an indication that learning is not occurring from home, which will result in remediation once school is back in session, either through vacation school or summer school.   

Plan Component #2:

Learning Resources / Expectations:  

Will teachers continue to provide work packets and paper-copy materials as they have been doing these past several weeks?

Non-technology work, such as printed materials, are no longer recommended, and will be provided only upon request for those learners and parents who have no access to technology.  Additionally, hard-copy work can be sent digitally to any student or parent, upon request, to print out at home.  

Will the school buses continue to deliver work packets and paper-copy materials when they deliver school lunch?

For those who do not have access to technology and are requesting paper-copy materials, the school bus system will be used.

Can I have access to a technology device through the school?

Yes, the school will offer a technology device to assist any student with distance learning. This technology is essential for students to communicate with their teacher(s) on a regular basis.  Regardless of your circumstance, we will work out something with each and every one of you. Please call your school principal for more information. 

What do we do if we have limited or no internet service at our home?

Please call your school technology coordinator to discuss options. There may be ways for us to assist you either with securing internet services, or by making arrangements for you to go to a learning area where the internet is available.   

How long will the students be allowed to keep school technology devices at home? 

Students who are loaned a technology device from the school can keep it as long as this remote learning plan is in effect and provided the student is connecting regularly with their teacher(s) and producing work that is assigned. 

Students who have a technology device from the school, but are not connecting with their teacher or not producing work will need to return the device upon request from the school administrator.   

If you are not doing the work, you do not need the device, and we will make arrangements to collect it back from you. 

Plan Component #3:

Student Work Artifacts and Evidence:  

When and how do we send work back to the teachers?

Due to concerns with the Coronavirus and the potential that the virus can “live” on cardboard (and paper) surfaces for up to 24 hours, and longer on harder surfaces, it is no longer an expectation that paper copy materials will be returned to the schools.  Instead, we encourage each student to communicate with their teacher(s) about their preferred method(s) for submitting completed materials and sharing work evidence with them.  Some teachers may be willing to share answer keys for students to self-correct work, while others may encourage students to communicate with their classmates about school work.  


How will the teachers assess learning during this time?

This is a new experience for everyone; therefore, we will be trying new and different ways to assess the learning that is going on at home.  We ask that all parents and students practice academic honesty during this time, to ensure that all teachers have a clear picture of what the students are able and unable to do.  Teachers have been asked to do less “correcting of work” and instead, provide learner feedback specific to learning goals.  This will be a more valuable way to assess how the student is doing on work assignments and learning goals. 


Plan Component #4: 

Distance Instruction:  

How much academic work is each student expected to do each day?

The following chart identifies student daily work expectations for different grade level spans.  We encourage students and parents to communicate with teachers when they have daily school work that exceeds the recommendations. 

Southern Aroostook Community School

Maximum Student Daily Work Expectations 

 Distance  Learning - Phase 3

Pre-K - Grade 2

No more than 1 academic hour daily (4 days a week)

1 active play hour daily 

Grades 3 - 6

No more than 2 academic hours daily

1 active play/exercise hour daily

Grades 7-12

No more than 30 academic minutes per teacher/per day (3 hrs max)

30 minutes of daily exercise


What is the best way to organize the day?

It is highly recommended that each student and family have a routine schedule that works best for you, is manageable, and provides for a variety of needs.  A simple Google Search of COVID-19 Daily Schedule will provide you with hundreds of examples. When making your daily schedule, be sure to include time for academics, time for exercise, and time for play!  

When will my teachers hold live on-line teaching sessions?

This will be different for the various grade levels.  For elementary sessions, your teacher will most likely find a time that is flexible for them and for the majority of students in the class.  For middle and high school teachers that share students, live teaching sessions will most likely occur during the regular class schedule time.  If you are uncertain, please ask your teacher(s)!


What will teachers expect of the students during this time?

As mentioned under Plan Component #1 - Student/Teacher Communication, it is the primary responsibility for students to communicate with their teacher(s) on a regular basis. Teachers will be focusing on essential learning, asking learners to improve upon past learning goals, and providing new learning experiences that are realistic and achievable.  Teachers will expect learners to complete their assignments, to meet deadlines, and to communicate often as often as necessary when they need help. 

What will happen for special education students who have an Individualized Education Plan?

When teachers begin providing instruction on new learning, the student’s IEP must be followed as best as possible in a remote learning environment.  At that time, special education teachers will be in touch with you to ensure that all student needs are met, to the best of our ability.  IEP team meetings will continue as scheduled, however, they will be delivered over the phone or via a technology platform. Your special education administrator will work with you on how to access future meetings.