Southern Aroostook Warriors

Dear RSU 50 Parents:

         I am writing to provide you with an update on some difficult issues we have had to address in recent weeks here in RSU 50.  You may have heard about these issues indirectly, but I wanted to get information on to you as soon as possible, so that you could hear things more definitively from me.

          We have had a very small number of students recently involved in making serious threats, including over social media, to other students at the school.  In addition, we recently found a gun in the car of one of our students.  Although the number of students involved is very small, the behavior is nevertheless extremely upsetting for those who felt threatened.

          I want you to know a number of things.  First of all, we have notified police about these incidents, and we have been working very closely with them to ensure that they take appropriate steps for any behaviors that may have violated the law.  We also have handed out discipline here at the school, consistent with our student code of conduct.  That process is ongoing.

         Most importantly, I want to emphasize for all of you that I believe that our schools, and all of your children are safe.  We believe that we have identified all those involved in this misbehavior, and have undertaken firm, clear steps to make sure that this does not happen again.  I believe you can rest assured that your children will be safe in our schools and that the students who engaged in this misbehavior will not do so again. 

          I hope you will join all of us here at school in reassuring all our students that school is a very safe place to be.  I would also ask you to join us in educating all children about the proper use of social media, and the importance of never using it to threaten others in any way.  I would greatly appreciate it if you can help in reinforcing this important message with all of our students.  Finally, let me also say that if any of your own children ever are threatened by a fellow student – whether in person or on social media – please report it as soon as possible to your child’s teacher or building administrator, so that we can quickly address the issue.

          I hope your holiday has been a safe and healthy one.  Thank you for all the cooperation you regularly provide us in delivering the strongest possible education to your children here in RSU 50.

Sincerely yours,

 Jon Porter, Superintendent